Dedicated to the memory of Anthony Bateman

This site is a tribute to Anthony Bateman. He is much loved and will always be remembered.


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Als ich meinen Cousin Anthony kennengelernt habe, waren Jenny und ich noch sehr klein. Bei euren Besuchen bei uns in Taucha warst du immer freundlich, lustig und extrem gut gelaunt. Du konntest aber auch sehr britisch höflich sein, korrekt und ernsthaft. Niemand konnte dann in deinem Gesicht deine wahren Gedanken lesen. Leider haben sich unsere Wege nicht wieder gekreuzt! Man denkt, man hat noch so unendlich viel Zeit! Wir hätten uns bestimmt gut verstanden und viel Spaß zusammen gehabt.
Henry Dölling
27th September 2022
Anthony taught both of our children to play the piano. He loved all of his students and delighted in their progress. He displayed drawings and notes from them on his walls and one wall of the piano room was dedicated as a ‘growth chart’ recording each of their heights! Anthony was very creative - it seemed he could turn his hand to anything from home repairs, making things out of wood, sewing and baking. He made a lovely wooden Christmas tree and gave it to Isaac and Jasmine one Christmas - we get it out each year. He also used to regularly bake Isaac (& us) shortbread biscuits, knowing it was a favourite! Anthony always had a story to tell of his youth and the things he had got up to - mostly music related and places he had played! Anthony also always gave the children cards and gifts at birthdays and Christmas. During lockdown we persuaded Anthony to try to get online so we could stay in contact and he managed to get onto Skype and we continued with piano online as best we could. I know lockdown was very hard for him as he missed the ‘in person’ contact with everyone. I was sad to see the decline in his health coming out of lockdown and more recently and his passing a shock to us all. Anthony will be remembered fondly by us all and I wish his Mum, sister and the rest of his family all the best. Xx
Lisa Westlake
26th September 2022
Remembering Anthony with much love. You brought boundless positivity, laughter and light into the lives of so many people. Thanks for all the times we shared over so many years. Will miss you very much - my life was enriched by being your friend. Sending much love to Jen, Tina and all the family. Xxx (I've included a more detailed tribute in the "Stories" section further down.)
25th September 2022
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PDSA - People's Dispensary For Sick Animals Somerset Wildlife Trust
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